Monday, May 30, 2011

Tired of being tired...

I'm always tired.  I awake tired!  Crazy diet...I am never hungry but I get tired then want sugar - although when I think about it seriously it's actually my head that wants sugar, not my body.  I did have a major craving last week but today not so bad.  I just want to sleep for the whole week until I've got through die off and then can get on with my new healthy lifestyle!  Bring it on!!!!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Work out...

I worked out hard today and really felt tired quickly.   I was already feeling rather exhausted but I did it anyway.  Next time I'm going to try eating at least an hour before and within 30 minutes after.  From what I understand it is really important to exercise and sweat - sweat out that candida!  Also, keeping the muscles working ensure my metabolism will work for me all day.  Plus I really want to use this opportunity of eating so well to lose FAT - that horrible flab around my body!  So it's powerwalking, interval training, pilates and yoga for me.  Oh, by the way - I'm 20 kg's over weight and really unfit so it's all a challenge but I'm up for it! 

Tasty meal ideas for Candida "challengers"...

I hate being called a "sufferer" - even if I am suffering!  So I'm calling myself Candida challenged.  Not to fear!  As I sip my refreshing mint tea (made using REAL mint - true - grab some mint leaves, give them a good wash, dry and then put into hot water - fabulously refreshing!)

I have some tasty meal ideas to share to my fellow challengers:

1. Spinach, Tomato, Basil & Onion scrambled egg omelet - chop up onion & garlic - add salt & pepper (remember to use fresh peppercorns and rock salt - then grind) and butter to a pan and fry until onion is cooked.  Chop up tomatoes into small pieces and add with some chopped spinach to the pan - fry for a few minutes.  Whisk eggs together (2 is plenty for one person) and add mixing in with all the ingredients.  Then let sit for 5 minutes - turn over to ensure all sides are cooked.  Tasty!

 2. Rice cakes with avocado & tuna - chop up some sesame seeds, tomato, cucumber, celery, tuna and avocado.  Mix into a bowl with a small amount of olive oil and lemon juice to taste.  (I use tuna in springwater - no added sugar or nasties!).  Once mixed together put on top of your rice cakes for a delicious snack or lunch. Yummmmy!

3. Really veggie chicken soup! - you can use any vegetables you like but this is how I do it.  In a large saucepan, put in 2 tablespoons of olive oil, salt & pepper and vegie stock (gluten, sugar free).  Put in some garlic, onion and capsicum (I use red, green & yellow for flavour and colour).  Fry up until all vegies are cooked.  You can really smell the flavour at this stage so adjust as you wish.  Then add other vegetables such as carrot, broccoli, zucchini, celery (include the leaves as they add flavour and texture), bok choy, etc.  Put in some filtered water to cover all the vegetables and simmer on low heat.  Usually takes about 30 minutes to really cook through.  You can leave as is or blend so it is more of smoother texture (be careful blending if it's still hot though).  Once ready to serve, for some extra "something" add some lime, avocado & pine nuts on top.  I'm salivating just thinking about it.


Candida be gone!

It's really grossing me out.  This Candida stuff!  The more I read - the more I cannot eat due to too much sugar, too much yeast, potential mold (ewwwwww)....seriously makes you start to re-consider what you put in your body all these years.  I'm so sorry body!  So sorry that I neglected you for so long - throwing inside all sorts of nasties without really knowing the full impact.  Now I'm feeling like crap and I am sad, emotional, aching all over...just blah.  The good news is last night I had baked white fish with butter and lemon...then a tomato salad, cucumber, spring onion, spinach and yummy avocado.  

No matter how I'm feeling I must keep moving.  So off to the gym now to sweat it out!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Brown Rice Pudding!

I'm so tired and feeling rather strange...just off.  My head is fuzzy.  I can't concentrate.  I'm hot and itchy too.  I must be toxic!  Horrible.  Rice pudding helps - brown rice, soy milk, stevia, cinnamon, coconut oil, butter and almonds....delicious!  Almost tastes sweet.  Oh note to self - don't put too much stevia in or it will taste oddly too sweet - so I added some lemon juice and it was extra delicious.  Next tasty treat to try will be this weekend.  :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Today I started to feel ill - headache, sick, dizzy, vague, tired, lethargic....just plain off!  Not sure how long this will last. Eventually felt like eating dinner and had a delicious vegie & brown rice stir fry with baked salmon.  Yumm.  Now feel tired again....really want chocolate to make me feel better!  Bazaar as now I know that's what's made me sick!  Time to get back to knitting (my new hobby). Peace :)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Coconut flour MUFFINS!

Yummmy!  Discovered coconut flour today.  Gluten free!  I made some muffins with stevia, some LSA and Vanilla essence - there's 3 eggs in the recipe but next time I'll probably change to 2 eggs and add some soy milk.  I'm excited about this opportunity to be creative with my cooking.  However I am sad that my naturapath said I cannot have yoghurt during the first month of detox.  I'll miss it.  Anyways onwards and upwards!

Monday, May 23, 2011


I've lost all ability to control my emotional eating.  I thought I was so strong over the weekend but today - I could eat a block of chocolate, mashed potatoes, some toast with jam...etc.  Although I'd be happy with some organic fair trade chocolate - just a small block but geez I'm craving it.  I tried some sugar free but concerned about what's in it.  I'll check with my Naturapath.  Could be the horrible period I'm suffering through making me crave more...but I think Candida is saying "give it to me baby"...  you littel shit.  I'm going to kill you off and get well so go away!!!

Anyways tonight I'm having delicious baked chicken and steamed vegies for dinner so hopefully that will keep me happy enough.   I only hope I am still allowed yoghurt!  Fun times :)

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Why?  Because all I can think of is what I can't have...not what I can have!  I want a glass of wine!  I want some crackers and dip.  It's Saturday night - I want to go out and eat, drink and be social.  It's like when I gave up smoking - all I could think about was having one, just one.  BUT I will not give in! 

Friday, May 20, 2011


I was just diagnosed with chronic candida.  It makes sense after so long on antibiotics for chronic tonsillitis.  I'm also a sugar addict.  So I'm about to embark on a lifestyle change...not a DIET - a long-term "forever" change.  It will start really strict and as I get better, I will start to re-introduce foods.

I think I can easily give up the alcohol, I'm confident I won't miss breads and cakes...but my daily dose of chocolate?  That's going to be really hard to say farewell to!   

I am now 40 and feel so much older.  It's no longer about the 20 kg overweight I am - it's about health.  I want to FEEL well...I want to bounce out of bed...I don't want to emotionally eat chocolate to make me feel better because it doesn't.  So I'm taking my power back.  I'm ready.

This is the start of an interesting journey.


This is the start to a new life.  One free of addictions.  Free from emotionally doing things that make me feel bad.  Come join me on a journey of change, discovery and creating a new life.